
I'm passionate about exploring cutting-edge technologies and leveraging code for efficient solutions. As an engineer, I prioritize careful planning, thoughtful design, and rigorous testing. I believe in continuous optimization and maintenence to create lasting, impactful solutions. Personally, I value open communication and inclusive spaces where diverse ideas are welcome. I believe in understanding different perspectives, honesty, giving 100% effort to pursue dreams while uplifting others to do the same along the way.


i am currently working on

a Roblox game




previous work



I Made an E-Porfolio for Myself

I decided to create a personal website. I made it so I have a place to redirect people to all my social media and ecommerce links as well as to document random stuff that I have done throughout my career as an engineer.

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Leetcode Easy: 1.) Two Sum

The first problem on the popular data structures and algorithms practice site, Leetcode. There are many approaches to this problem but I want to explore a really simple way to solve it using a hashmap.

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How I Leetcode

Leetcode is one of the most popular platforms to practice datastructures and alogrithms. Its a great tool for practicing your technical interview skills and its like the gym for programmers. Here is how I use Leetcode.

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cascadia code font from cdnfonts

album covers from wikipedia

icons from font awesome

icons from icons8